2013, Legal constitution of the organization Integración Social Verter A. C (Social Integration Verter AC). in Mexicali, Baja California.
2013, Implementation of Fondo Mundial de Lucha contra el Sida, la Tuberculosis y la Malaria (the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) project in Baja California and Sonora.
2014, Implementation of the HIV prevention project in Baja California with the Secretaria de Desarrollo Social del Gobierno de Baja California (Secretary of Social Development of the Government of Baja California).
2014, Civil organization winner of the call Impulso México del Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud (Mexican Youth Institute, IMJUVE).
2014, Organization funded to execute a co-investment project with the Administración del Patrimonio de la Beneficencia Pública, Secretaría de Salud (Administration of the Public Welfare Assets, Secretariat of Health).
2015, Organization selected in public call for proposals to receive funding from the Centro Nacional para la Prevención y Control del VIH/sida (National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS).
2015, Organization selected in public call to be financed by Fundación Pro Derechos de la Mujer, Fondo Semillas (Women’s Rights Foundation, Seed Fund).
2015, Organization funded by the Open Society Foundations agency to operate a Drug Policy project.
2016, Organization selected through a public call for proposals to receive funding under Programas de Coinversión Social del Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Social (National Institute for Social Development’s Social Co-investment Programs).
2016, Organization selected in public call for proposals to receive funding from the Centro Nacional para la Prevención y Control del VIH/sida (National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS).
2016, Organization funded by the Open Society Foundations agency to operate a Drug Policy project.
2016, Organization selected in public call to be financed by Fundación Pro Derechos de la Mujer, Fondo Semillas (Women’s Rights Foundation, Seed Fund).
2016, Organization funded by the international organization Aids Healthcare Foundations AHF to implement an HIV/AIDS care project.
2017, Organization selected in public call to receive funding from the Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (National Institute of Women).
2017, Organization selected by the Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz (National Institute of Psychiatry Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz) to implement project on heroin consumption in the northern border of Mexico.
2018, Organization selected in public call for proposals to receive funding from the Centro Nacional para la Prevención y Control del VIH/sida (National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS).
2018, Organization selected in public call to receive funding from the Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (National Institute of Women).
2018, Organization contracted by the Red Mexicana de Reducción de Daños REDUMEX A. C (Mexican Harm Reduction Network REDUMEX A. C.) to prepare the first Intersectoral Positioning Document on Harm Reduction in Mexico funded by the National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS.
2019, Organization funded by the international organization Aids Healthcare Foundations AHF to implement an HIV/AIDS care project.
2019, Organization funded by the Open Society Foundations agency to establish a Supervised Consumer Services project.
2019, Organization contracted by the Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (National Institute of Women) to develop activities to promote sexual and reproductive rights with adolescents in school in the State of Baja California.
2020, Organization selected in a public call to be financed for a Health and Women’s project by Fundación Pro Derechos de la Mujer, Fondo Semillas (Women’s Rights Foundation, Seed Fund).
2020, Organization funded by UCLA Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services (CHIPTS) to carry out operational activities in research project on Safe Consumption Rooms.
2021, Organization funded by the international organization Aids Healthcare Foundations AHF to implement an HIV/AIDS care project.
2021, an organization funded by the Open Society Foundations to carry out actions to promote human rights.